Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress of Onomastic Sciences

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Names in Multi-Lingual, Multi-Cultural and Multi-Ethnic Contact
Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress of Onomastic Sciences
August 17-22, 2008, York University, Toronto, Canada

Edited by
Wolfgang Ahrens, York University
Sheila Embleton, York University
André Lapierre, University of Ottawa

with the assistance of
Grant Smith, Eastern Washington University
Maria Figueredo, York University

Published by
York University, Toronto, Canada

ISBN 978-1-55014-521-2

Table of Contents

Foreword / Avant propos / Vorwort

Maria Giovanna Arcamone, President of ICOS

Sheila Embleton, Vice-President of ICOS and Co-Organizer of ICOS XXIII
Opening Remarks

Papers given at ICOS XXIII, but not included in this volume

Plenary Lectures

Koopman, Adrian, South Africa
Southern African Onomastic Research

Lapierre, André, Canada
A Mari usque ad Mare: Reflections on Canadian toponymy – Réflexions sur la toponymie du Canada

Peplinski, Lynn, Canada
Not an Empty Wasteland: Place Names in Canada’s North

Session Papers

Accolla, Dario, Italie
Contacts médiatiques et migrations onomastiques à Catane (Italie)

Agertz, Jan, Sweden
Name Change as a Consequence of Monastic Ownership

Ahrens, Wolfgang, Canada
Naming of Minivan Taxis Used for Public Transportation in the Caribbean

Ainiala, Terhi, Finland
Place Names in the Construction of Social Identities: The Uses of Names of Helsinki

Alas, Marit, Estonia
Change of Cultural and Natural Names in Pöide Parish (Saaremaa, Estonia)

Aldrin, Emilia, Sweden
The Choice of First Names as a Social Resource and Act of Identity among Multilingual Families in Contemporary Sweden

Baldetti, Ettore, Italie
Un document inédit sur l'anthroponymie des Marches en 1312

Balodis, Pauls, Latvia
Personal Names of Livonian Origin in Latvia: Past and Present

Barry, Herbert III, USA
First Names of Fictional Characters in Novels by Charlotte Bronte

Beaulieu, Marc-Alexandre, Canada
Traduction multilingue de toponymes en botanique

Becker, Lidia, Germany
Names of Jews in Medieval Navarre (13th-14th Centuries)

Bramwell, Ellen S., Scotland
Names in Multi-Cultural Scotland

Brouwer, Leendert, Netherlands
Why Many Dutch Surnames Look So Archaic: The Exceptional Orthographic Position of Names

Brylla, Eva, Sweden
Female Names and Male Names. Equality between the Sexes

Casanova, Emili, España
Toponimia Valenciana de la Edad Media, entre el mundo árabe, catalán y aragonés: pautas para interpretarla

Cižmárová, Libuše, Czech Republic
Interactive Digital Version of the Dictionary of Moravian and Silesian Anoikonyms (Minor Place Names)

Clark, Ian D., Australia
Multiple Aboriginal Place Names in Western Victoria, Australia

Coates, Richard, United Kingdom
A Natural History of Proper Naming in the Context of Emerging Mass Production: The Case of British Railway Locomotives before 1846

Coates, Richard, United Kingdom
A Glimpse through a Dirty Window into an Unlit House: Names of Some North-West European Islands

Coskun, Altay, Deutschland
Interkulturelle Ortsnamen in Zentralasien und galatische Geschichte

Czopek-Kopciuch, Barbara, Polen
Vornamen von polnischen Immigranten im Ruhrgebiet

Dechief, Diane, Canada
Forms and Norms: Theorizing Immigration-Influenced Name Changes in Canada

Dehlin, Lennart, Sweden
The Presentation of Saami Place-Names on Swedish Maps during 100 Years

Dell'Aira, Alessandro, Italy / Brazil
St. Benedict of San Fratello (Messina, Sicily): An Afro-Sicilian Hagionyn on Three Continents

De Stefani, Elwys, Schweiz
Ortsnamen und Ortsbeschreibung im Gespräch und deren Relevanz für die soziale Strukturierung einer alpinen Gemeinschaft

Dimitrova-Todorova, Liljana, Bulgarien
Die Toponyme in einer bulgarischen Bilingualismus-Situation

Dräger, Kathrin, and Schmuck, Mirjam, Germany
The German Surname Atlas Project - Computer Based Surname Geography

Duchaj, Karen, and Ntihirageza, Jeanine, USA
Survival by Loss of Identity: The Power of Names among Burundian Refugees in Tanzania

Entzenberg, Sonja, Sweden
By Another Name: The Use of Pseudonyms by Writers in Sweden from 1870 to 1890

Eskelinen, Riikka, Finland
Functions of Usage of Urban Place Names

Falk, Michael, Canada
On the Name of the Weekly Day of Rest

Farkas, Tamás, Hungary
Surnames of Foreign Origin in a Language Contact Situation. The Reasons and Ways of their Changes and their Influence on the Surname Stock in Hungary

Farkas, Tamás, Hungary
Jewish Surname Changes in Hungary (19th-20th Century)

Felecan, Daiana, and Felecan, Oliviu, Roumanie
La satire politique post-communiste illustrée par les sobriquets des politiciens roumains

Felecan, Nicolae, Roumanie
Les prénoms et leurs formes flexionnelles dans le dialecte de Maramures

Felecan, Oliviu, Romania
Romanian-Ukrainian Connections in the Anthroponymy of the Northwestern Part of Romania

Fetzer, This Michel, Schweiz
Nachbenennungsnamen im Berner Namengut

Foster, Benjamin, USA
Empire and Names: The Case of Nagorno Karabakh

Fridell, Staffan, Sweden
Old English ‘meresteall’ and Old Swedish ‘*marstall’. A Northwest Germanic Compound and Place Name Element?

Gendron, Stéphane, France
Microtoponymie endogène et exogène: un example de transmission orale au sud de Chamborand (Creuse, France)

Germain, Jean, Belgique
Faut-il avoir peur des exonymes … dans son propre pays? Le cas ‘surréaliste’ de la Belgique

Gyorffy, Erzsébet, Hungary
Old Hungarian River Names in the Multilingual Carpathian Basin

Hagåsen, Lennart, Sweden
Restrictions on Alliteration and Rhyme in the Swedish System of Personal Names in the Light of Old Germanic Parallels

Hamidovic, David, France
Do Qumran Inscriptions Show Hellenization of Qumran Residents?

Harvalík, Milan, Czech Republic
Czech Toponyms of Foreign Origin as Witnesses of Multicultural Contacts in Central Europe

Hausner, Isolde, Österreich
FamOs - Österreichische Familiennamen Online

Helander, Kaisa Rautio, Norway
Renaming Indigenous Toponymy in Official Use in the Light of Contact Onomastic Theories

Helleland, Botolv, Norway
Place Names as Identity Markers

Hough, Carole Ann, Scotland
'Find the lady': The Term lady in English and Scottish Place-Names

Hussar, Annika, Estonia
Changes in Naming Patterns in 19th Century Estonia. Discarding the Names of Parents and Godparents

Imomova, Bakhtigul, Belgique / Ouzbékistan, et Begmatov, Ernst, Ouzbékistan
La formation des prénoms ouzbeks

Joalaid, Marje, Estonia
Balto-Finnic Personal Name Suffixes

Jochum-Godglück, Christa, Deutschland
” Onomastik und Akkulturation” Einblicke in das Saarbrücker Forschungsprojekt

Jordan, Peter, Austria
Use of Place Names on Road Signposts. Examples of Practice in Central Europe

Kagami, Akikatsu, Japan
Changes and Traces of Ainu Place Names in Contact with Japanese

Kathrein, Yvonne, Österreich
” HiMAT - History of Mining Activities in the Tyrol and Adjacent Areas”: ein interdisziplinäres Forschungsprojekt mit onomastischer Beteiligung

Kerfoot, Helen, Canada
Some Challenges of Names Recognition: The Ontario Geographic Names Board, Canada, 2000-2007

Kuhn, Julia, Österreich
” nostro fratello Umberto”. Die Nomination zwischen Anthroponym und Klassifikation-eine kritisch-diskursanalytische Untersuchung zur printmedialen Repräsentation von Umberto Agnelli als Führungspersönlichkeit am Beispiel des italienischen Mediendiskurses

Kully, Rolf Max, Schweiz
Gutmann und Bonhomme: Ein durchsichtiger, aber schwer zu deutender Name

Kvašyte, Regina, Lithuania
Proper Names in the Lithuanian Translation of Yann Martel's ‘Life of Pi’

Laîné, Stéphane, France
Modifications phonétiques et morphologiques affectant les toponymes et les anthroponymes d'origine scandinave lors de leur introduction en français

Lawson, Edwin, USA, and Zavyalova, Zineida, Russia
The Cultural and Language Effects of the Influence of Russian on West Siberian Tatar Names

Le Guillou, Claire, France
Essai d'onomastique sandienne

Leibring, Katharina, Sweden
‘Zwartje’, ‘Flight of Delight’ and ‘Chikai’: Borrowed Names for Animals in Sweden

Leino, Antti, Finland
Multilingual Names on the Finnish Basic Map

Léonard, Carol, Canada
Toponymie et contrepoids aux effets de paysage linguistique en situation de contact des langues

López Franco, Yolanda Guillermina, Mexique
La prénomination à Tlalnepantla de Baz, État de México, au Mexique, tout au long du XXe siècle

Mamazhakypova, Anara Zhumanazarovna, Russia / Kyrgystan
Kyrgyz Personal Names as Units of Cultural Code

Matthews, Philip W., New Zealand
Patterns in the Names of Maori Representative Sportsmen in New Zealand, 1884-2007

Matthews, Philip W., McKee, Rachel L., and McKee, David, New Zealand
Signed Languages, Linguistic Rights and the Standardization of Geographical Names

Molchanova, Olga, Poland
The Correlation between Part and Whole in Altai River Names (South Siberia)

Munteanu, Eugen, Österreich
Das choronymische Mikrosystem des Rumänischen. Eine historische Darstellung

Nash, Joshua, Australia
The Toponymy of Norfolk Island, South Pacific: The Microcosm of Nepean Island

Neethling, Bertie, South Africa
Lifestyle, Worldview and Identity: Names on Customized Vehicle Registration Plates

Nilsson, Leif, Sweden
Standardization of Swedish Place-Names Yesterday and Today

Nyström, Staffan, Sweden
Urban Name Environments in a Multicultural Perspective

Ormeling, Ferjan, Netherlands
European Names in a 17th Century Atlas of the Dutch East India Company

Päll, Peeter, Estonia
Historical Multilingualism of Street Names in Estonia

Parfenova, Nina, and Savinykh, Valentina, Russia
Human Evaluation in Russian Appellative Anthroponymy (on Zauralye Archival Sources of the 16th-19th Centuries)

Pepin, Nicolas, Switzerland
Proper Names in Second Language Classroom Interaction. An Initial Investigation into the Use of First Names in Instruction Sequences

Piemonti, Anita, Italy
The Destiny in the Name

Puzey, Guy, Scotland
Opportunity or Threat? The Role of Minority Toponyms in the Linguistic Landscape

Reck, Anne-Kathrin, United Kingdom
Pointy Helmets and Buckteeth: Naming in Sign Language - an Exploration

Reinsma, Riemer, Netherlands
New Names for Municipalities Merging from Two or More Villages or Towns

Rodríguez, Gabriele, Alemania
Los extranjeros y sus nombres en Alemania. Tendencias en el proceso de elección de los nombres entre familias extranjeras, binacionales o con un trasfondo migratorio en Alemania

Ryman, Lennart, Sweden
Designations of Origin in 15th Century Stockholm

Særheim, Inge, Norway
Street Names and Identity. Official Naming in a European Capital of Culture

Saura Rami, José Antonio, España
La toponimia como reserva lingüística de un espacio recesivo: El Alto Aragón (España)

Schneider, Thomas Franz, Schweiz
‘Munie’, ‘Maurie’, ‘Mort'. Neue Fundstücke aus der romanisch-germanischen Sprachmischzone in der westlichen Schweiz

Schorr, Andreas, Germany
Greek Personal Names in Merovingian and Carolingian Gaul: A Brief Survey

Silina-Pinke, Renate, Lettland
Rufnamen in Riga im 15. Jahrhundert

Šipková, Milena, Czech Republic
Dictionary of Moravian and Silesian Anoikonyms: A New Project of Czech Linguistics

Smith, Grant, USA
Ethnic, Class, and Occupational Identities in Shakespeare's Names

Štepán, Pavel, Czech Republic
Oppositions in Toponymy

Sundström, Agneta, Sweden
‘Rodskarl’, ‘Trynta’ and ‘Spænneklo’. Bynames in the Town Court Record Book of Arboga from a Name-Semantic Point of View

Tan, Peter K W, Singapore
Building Names in Singapore: Multilingualism of a Different Kind

Tempan, Paul, Northern Ireland
Towards a Chronology of Topographical Elements in Irish Place-Names: Some Strategies for Establishing Relative Chronology

Thériault, Marie Aurélie, Canada
Rencontre linguistique et sociale en microtoponymie

Thunderbird, Shannon, Canada
Wisdom of the Ages: From Houses to Monsters, the Naming Practices of the Coast Tsimshian Nation

Tomás Arias, Xavier, y Saura Rami, José Antonio, España
La onomástica familiar sefardí como testimonio de algunos elementos léxicos aragoneses

Tort i Donada, Joan, Spain
Agrarian Landscapes and the Toponymy in Mediterranean Europe. Catalonia as a Case Study

Tóth, Valéria, Hungary
Settlement Name Strata in the Multilingual Carpathian Basin

Tuzlokova, Victoria, Oman
Proper Names in Education: Global Tendencies and Local Traditions

Van Langendonck, Willy, and Van de Velde, Mark L. O., Belgium
The Functions of (In)definiteness with Proper Names

Vikstrand, Per, Sweden
Pre-Christian Sacral Personal Names in Scandinavia during the Proto-Scandinavian Period

Vincze, László, Ungarn
Probleme der deutschen Straßennamenchronologie und -typologie im Zeitabschnitt von 862 bis 1711 auf dem von Madjaren besiedelten Gebiet des Karpatenbeckens

Vuolteenaho, Jani, and Ainiala, Terhi, Finland
Slang Toponyms in Early Twentieth Century Helsinki

Wahlberg, Mats, Sweden
’Landskrona’, ‘Sibirien’ and ‘Jeriko’. Borrowed Place Names in Sweden down the Ages

Walsh, Michael, Australia
Political Issues in Australian Aboriginal Toponymies

Weyers, Christian, Germany
Basque Traces in the Toponymy of Newfoundland and Various Coasts of Atlantic Canada

Wirth, Aude, France
Noms de famille composés ou composites? L'exemple de la Lorraine romane

Wolodtschenko, Alexander, Deutschland
Atlasregister: Struktur, Systematik und Namensammlung (am Beispiel des Nationalatlas Bundesrepublik Deutschland)

Wright, Saundra, USA
Forms of Address in the College Classroom

Zilg, Antje, Deutschland
WULEVÙ würstel? Eine Darstellung produktgruppenspezifischer Aspekte italienischer Markennamen des Lebensmittelmarktes

Zschieschang, Christian, Deutschland
Ortsnamen, Siedlungslandschaften und Ethnien in der nordböhmischen Elbtallandschaft
