The Newsletter
Reid, Cathy
Schmidt, Cathy
McMurrich, Sheila
Kehm, Carol
Hornbeck, Paul
Evans, Tom
Mitchell, Adam
Silber, Irwin
Yamamoto, Joyce
Laskin, Grit
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Mariposa Folk Foundation
Item consists of a 20 page newsletter from February 1976 titled "The Newsletter: Mariposa Folk Festival Publication" edited by Matthew Clark and Marilyn Koop, designed by Stew Cameron with general support from the committee (Tam Kearney, Grit Laskin, Joyce Yamamoto) containing several articles including: an editorial and opening article called "Mariposa '76", "Male Supremacy and Folk Song" by Irwin Silber, music and lyrics of "Another Man's Hair on my Razor" by Adam Mitchell, "Independent Recordings: A How-To-Do-It Guide On Producing Your Own Record" by Tom Evans, "An Interview with Buell Kazee" by Paul Hornbeck, "Folkfoods" by Marilyn Koop, "Finger-Picking The Dulcimer Two Finger Style" by Kathy Reid, "Mariposa in the Schools" by Carol Kehm, "Newfoundland Crafts" by Sheila McMurrich, "Country Dancing" by Cathy Schmidt and "Grit's Workshop: Buying Lumber" by Grit Laskin
Folk music -- newsletters