Adaptive Momentum for Neural Network Optimization




Rashidi, Zana

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In this thesis, we develop a novel and efficient algorithm for optimizing neural networks inspired by a recently proposed geodesic optimization algorithm. Our algorithm, which we call Stochastic Geodesic Optimization (SGeO), utilizes an adaptive coefficient on top of Polyaks Heavy Ball method effectively controlling the amount of weight put on the previous update to the parameters based on the change of direction in the optimization path. Experimental results on strongly convex functions with Lipschitz gradients and deep Autoencoder benchmarks show that SGeO reaches lower errors than established first-order methods and competes well with lower or similar errors to a recent second-order method called K-FAC (Kronecker-Factored Approximate Curvature). We also incorporate Nesterov style lookahead gradient into our algorithm (SGeO-N) and observe notable improvements. We believe that our research will open up new directions for high-dimensional neural network optimization where combining the efficiency of first-order methods and the effectiveness of second-order methods proves a promising avenue to explore.



Computer science
