Museums 2.0: Advancing Decolonizing and Participatory Approaches to Developing Museum Websites in the Global South




Morbey, Mary Leigh
Villamor, Lourdes
Muwanga, Maureen Senoga
Griffith, Jane A.

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Web 2.0 and its participation-based culture offer rich possibilities for developing websites with museums in the Global South museum. It also offers spaces for virtual learning, and representing and expressing one’s culture. However, technology and partnerships between the Global North and South have a recolonizing potential. Decybercolonizing viewpoints and methods are needed to create web spaces for Global South museums. They bring attention to virtual spaces that can be colonized by the ideologies of the Global North.



Colonialism, Museums, Social Media


Morbey, M.L., Villamor, L., Muwanga, M.S., and Griffith, J.A. (2013). Participatory architecture: Web 2.0 education in the Uganda National Museum. In H.H. Yang and S. Wang (Eds.), Cases on Formal and Informal E-learning: Opportunities and Practices. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference, 261-273.