De tragédia a solução: A atualidade teórica e empírica dos recursos comuns no Brasil

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Perkins, Patricia E. (Ellie)
Luna, I
César, M.

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Nova Economía


This article provides a recent update on common-pool resource studies in Brazil, presenting how the subject is evolving, both in theory and in practice. First, a theoretical review presents the most recent academic proposals in the area. Next, the concept of traditional commons resources is discussed, highlighting its characteristics and its main sub- divisions. A survey of major Brazilian empirical research in the area is presented. Next, the concept of new common resources is introduced, emphasizing how they can be a theoretical solution to several contemporary Brazilian and international problems. Research in the area is growing, and the concept itself has also expanded to encompass and explain new coordination problems, since individuals increasingly see contemporary problems as collective problems.



Recursos comuns, Recursos comuns tradicionais, Novos recursos comuns, Autogovernança, Common-pool resources, Traditional commons, New commons, Self-governance


“De tragédia a solução: A atualidade teórica e empírica dos recursos comuns no Brasil,” with Ivette Luna and Mateus César, ​Nova Economía​.