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Why Are Not-For-Profit Hospitals in the US So Much More Profitable Than For-Profit Hospitals?


FROM THE ARTICLE: When it comes to social institutions, not-for-profit organizations (NFPs) allegedly strike a balance between the private and public realm. While privately owned and operated, not-for-profits are distinguished by their ostensibly public purpose – in eschewing private profits, they claim to make the pursuit of some social benefit their primary objective. However, not all not-for-profits are equal. While most make little or no revenue, let alone net income, some NFPs collect billions in revenue and hundreds of millions in net income.



differential accumulation, hospitals, profit, United States


Why Are Not-For-Profit Hospitals in the US So Much More Profitable Than For-Profit Hospitals? Mouré, Christopher and Gorsky, Shai. (2023). Capital as Power Blog. 19 May. pp. 1-4. (Article - Magazine; English).
