Nurses Grieve Too: Insights into Experiences with Perinatal Loss




Jonas-Simpson, Christine
MacDonald, Cindy
McMahon, Eileen
Pilkington, F Beryl

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Nurses Grieve Too: Insights into Experiences with Perinatal Loss is a ground-breaking documentary that shares what grief is for nurses who care for bereaved families with perinatal loss. This research-based documentary answers the research question: What is experience of grieving, for obstetrical and neonatal nurses caring for families who experience perinatal loss? Nurses describe the professional and personal impact of grieving, what helps them and how the experience has changed them and help them to grow. The documentary makes the invisible grief of nurses - visible. It aspires to support nurses so they no longer feel alone or isolated in their experiences of grieving, as many nurses can carry the pain and memories of the families’ loss and experiences with them for years.



Perinatal nursing, Neonatal nursing, Obstetrical nursing, Perinatal bereavement, Nurses’ grief


Jonas-Simpson, C. (Producer) (2010). Research team: Jonas-Simpson, C. (PI), Macdonald, C., McMahon, E., & Pilkington, B. Nurses grieve too: Insights into experiences with perinatal loss [Documentary]. Toronto, ON: Producer.