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Mentorship Across Space and Time

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Tong, Min
Ongsansoy, Hans

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CALA understands inherently the significance of supporting librarians of colour. Mentoring another librarian of colour is arguably the most tangible and impactful form of such support. In the wake of the pandemic, which has inspired the widespread adoption of virtual communication tools, mentoring no longer has to be confined to in-person sessions. Discover what happened when two curious librarians both expanded their mindset of what mentorship can look and feel like today, subsequently forging a rewarding relationship remotely. Mentor Min Tong is a business librarian at the University of Central Florida who volunteered to mentor aspiring librarians at her alma mater, the University of British Columbia. Mentee Hans Ongsansoy is a recent graduate of and former business librarian at the University of British Columbia now working for Vancouver Public Library. Min and Hans offer their experience as one model of modern mentorship in this personal virtual session.


