Head or Legs? Shifts in Texts and Paratexts brought about by Agents of the Publishing Industry
Mälzer, Nathalie
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Éditions québécoises de l’œuvre
In this paper, I study the impact that the different agents of the editorial world can have on the translation of a novel and its paratext. In order to illustrate the sort of shifts that occur in this process, I provide some examples from my own experience as a literary translator from French into German.
Cet article étudie l’impact que peuvent avoir les différents agents du monde éditorial sur la traduction d’un roman et de son paratexte. Pour illustrer ces glissements, je donne des exemples tirés de ma propre expérience comme traductrice littéraire du français vers l’allemand.
novel, paratext, agents, translation, voices, voix, traduction, paratexte, roman
Nathalie Mälzer. “Head or Legs? Shifts in Texts and Paratexts brought about by Agents of the Publishing Industry.” In Authorial and Editorial Voices in Translation 2 - Editorial and Publishing Practices. Eds. Hanne Jansen and Anna Wegener. Montréal: Éditions québécoises de l’œuvre, collection Vita Traductiva, 2013.