Evidence of Benefits of Experiential Education for Student Learning – Annotated Bibliography




Endersby, Lisa
Petro, Anda

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This annotated bibliography was created in response to a request for additional evidence-based discussion of the benefits of experiential education for student learning. In particular, much of the literature presented offers empirical evidence for the role of experiential education in improving desired student learning outcomes, including the development of higher order skills, including critical thinking. Several of the articles and resources mentioned also offer insight into how experiential education could be incorporated into the classroom. There is a special emphasis on strategies for incorporating active learning, reflection, and engagement into lectures and assignments, knowing that these pedagogical initiatives can support meaningful learning experiences and outcomes. Several articles also discuss incorporating active learning strategies into large classrooms, knowing that this is especially relevant to current class sizes at the university. This literature represents a broad snapshot of what is available in the scholarship of experiential education and can offer important insights into the value of experiential education as a pedagogical strategy for deeper learning and personal/professional growth.



experiential education, reflection, high impact practices, teaching psychology, undergraduate students, active learning
