The Churchill Community of Knowledge: An Open Access Digital Archive

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Untershats, Netta
Kosavic, Andrea
Cooke, Fred
Jefferies, Susan
Sivakumaran, Jeevika
Bekit, Natan
Bazely, Dawn

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Poster presented at the 7th International Biocuration Conference 6-9 April 2014, Toronto, Canada


This poster was presented at the 7th International Biocuration Conference (ISB2014), University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, April 6-9, 2014.

The Churchill Community of Knowledge Digital Archive is a YorkSpace Institutional Repository research project led by IRIS (Institute for Research & Innovation in Sustainability) and York University Libraries. Its overall goal is to document, coalesce and mobilize long-term ecological research from Wapusk National Park and, more broadly, Churchill, Manitoba. To date, the project has engaged 10 undergraduate & graduate Biology students in developing metadata for copyright‑cleared digital media & uploading items. Diverse communities, including the public, can access the Open Access archive via Google searches


This poster won an award at the conference at the semi-final judging stage.


Wapusk National Park, Arctic Ecology, Tundra, Institutional Repository, Open Access, Science Pedagogy, Fred Cooke, Bob Jefferies, Digital Archive, Digital Pedagogy, Hudson Bay
