Comparative Effects of Mindfulness and Support and Information Group Interventions for Parents of Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Other Developmental Disabilities

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Lunsky, Yona
Hastings, Richard
Weiss, Jonathan
Palucka, Anna M.
Hutton, Sue
White, Karen

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Springer US


This study evaluated two community based interventions for parents of adults with autism spectrum disorder and other developmental disabilities. Parents in the mindfulness group reported significant reductions in psychological distress, while parents in the support and information group did not. Reduced levels of distress in the mindfulness group were maintained at 20 weeks follow-up. Mindfulness scores and mindful parenting scores and related constructs (e.g., self-compassion) did not differ between the two groups. Results suggest the psychological components of the mindfulness based group intervention were effective over and above the non-specific effects of group processes and informal support.



autism spectrum disorder, neurodevelopmental disabilities, mindfulness, intervention, parents


Lunsky, Y., Hastings, R., Weiss, J. A., Palucka, A., Hutton, S., & White, K. (2017). Comparative effects of mindfulness and support and information group interventions for parents of adults with autism spectrum disorders and other developmental disabilities. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. doi:10.1007/s10803-017-3099-z