The Road Ahead: Disruptive Innovation And Technology In Urban Transportation

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Rice, Brendan

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Technology and cities have long been intertwined in their respective development, and thusly the relationship between them is one that results in noticeable effects when either changes. In the context of the modern city, new technology now plays an increasingly vital role in all facets of their operations, but transportation has been impacted in particular in this regard. Whether it be via ridesharing (Uber and competitors), bikesharing, or most recently, autonomous vehicles - the role that new forms of innovation now play in the urban context is that of the disruptor. Essentially, what previously appeared to be a static division of transportation options in cities and urban regions is now being challenged by what is known as "disruptive innovations". While the predecessors to this market strategy have persisted in the Global South as informal transportation services for quite some time, only in recent years have the principles of informality been utilized to change existing transportation markets in the Global North. These disruptive innovations stand the chance to completely alter the means by which urban residents move around their cities, but whether this alteration is for public good or for the benefit of the privileged few is yet to be determined. What is known, however, is that the means by which these innovations are implemented is the most important indicator of whether or not new urban transportation innovations will be equitable. The process of the entry of the autonomous vehicle to the Bay Area (California) has indicated that many private interests do not appear to be particularly concerned with the role that equity plays in such technological implementations, but there are also reasons to believe that the introduction of this technology may serve societal equity by other means such as urban mobility for the disabled and elderly. Thusly, it is vitally important that cities as institutions, and planning as a field develop adequate strategies for new transportation innovations or they risk fundamental changes to urban life that




Major Paper, Master of Environmental Studies, Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University
