Hager, Sandy BrianDutta, Sahil Jai2022-10-282022-10-282020The Political Economy of the Corporation: Sahil Jai Duta Interviews Sandy Brian Hager. Hager, Sandy Brian and Dutta, Sahil Jai. (2020). Political Economy Research Centre (PERC). 30 May. (Interview; English).http://hdl.handle.net/10315/39831corporation inequality power stock market systemic fearPERC’s Sahil Jai Dutta is joined by Dr Sandy Brian Hager (City, University of London) to discuss the political economy of the corporation. He is the author of the book Public Debt, Inequality, and Power: The Making of a Modern Debt State (2016) published by University of California Press. The conversation spans across the topics of ownership and the politics of public debt, the power of large banks in the US, and his most recent work exploring what drives long-term shifts in the stock markets in the ‘advanced’ economies.The Political Economy of the Corporation: Sahil Jai Duta Interviews Sandy Brian HagerOther