Mallick, Ayyaz2020-08-122020-08-122020-08 Mallick (Environmental Studies) summarizes his dissertation which aimed to understand the decline of Karachi, Pakistan’s vibrant labour movement and the proliferation of exclusivist ethnic politics in the post-1970s era. He mobilizes Marxist dialectics to delve into the polarized contemporary theoretico-political debates that pit “class” against “identity politics,” “Marxism” against “post-colonialism,” and “universal politics/emancipation” against “particularistic demands.”enAuthor owns copyright, except where explicitly noted. Please contact the author directly with licensing requests.The (Un)Making of the Working Class in Karachi (Pakistan), 1980s–2010sAsia Research BriefMarxist dialectics, post-colonialism, universal politics, emancipation, marxism, identity politics, pakistan, south asia, working class, labour