Bannerjee, AlbertLloyd, LizHarrington, CharleneJacobsen, FrodeSzebehely, Marta2015-05-212015-05-212014Lloyd, L., Banerjee, A., Harrington, C., Jacobsen, F.F., & Szebehely, M. (2013). It is a scandal! Comparing the causes and consequences of nursing home media scandals in five countries. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 34(1/2), 2-18. media helps bring the larger picture into personal concerns. It can then help to take these concerns to the public, which could create change to policy. Media focus on nursing care scandals helped people to question the current belief that the for-profit sectors will provide better, more effective, care services in nursing homes.Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 CanadaPublic HealthAgingIt Is a Scandal: What Are the Results of Media Scandals on Nursing Home Policy?Research Summary