Maiter, Sarah2015-05-212015-05-212010Maiter, S. (2009). Using an anti-racist framework for assessment and intervention in clinical practice with families from diverse ethno-racial backgrounds. Clinical Social Work Journal, 37(4), 267-276. is a helpful tool that may be used to improve services for ethnoracial communities. It allows social workers to assess and intervene in their clients’ lives more effectively. This involves looking at the way racism affects them in areas like: employment, housing, and education. Social workers can also avoid generalizing about their clients’ cultures. This includes understanding that their life experiences are complex.Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 CanadaSocial WorkRace and RacismAnti-racism Is an Important Approach for Social Workers to Use with Members of Diverse Ethnoracial CommunitiesResearch Summary