Mosher, Janet2015-05-212015-05-212008Mosher, J. (2002). The shrinking of the public and private spaces of the poor. In J. Hermer & J. Mosher (Eds.), Disorderly people: Law and the politics of exclusion in Ontario (pp. 41-53). Halifax: Fernwood Books. people and social assistance recipients have the same goals as the rest of the population. Current laws only reinforce the stereotypes about the poor and homeless as lazy, unmotivated, and prone to crime. Welfare recipients and the homeless need to develop their autonomy so that they can be capable of improving their situation. Respecting the privacy of welfare applicants is more beneficial to helping them succeed than encouraging a hotline for others to report on their misdeeds.Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 CanadaPovertyLawHomelessnessCriminologyHomeless People and Welfare Recipients Suffer Under Restrictive LawsResearch Summary