Murdie, Robert2015-05-212015-05-212008Murdie, R. A. (2008). Pathways to housing: The experiences of sponsored refugees and refugee claimants in accessing permanent housing in Toronto. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 9(1), 81-101. formal supports for getting affordable and good quality housing are needed for the refugee population in Canada, especially for refugee claimants. While the support of family, friends, and the local community can help refugees who are looking for housing, government and community organizations are better able to provide professional advice and act as guarantors for landlords. Refugees continue to pay too much for housing. They also live in generally poor conditions. The goal is to provide refugees with permanent housing which will help their integration into Canadian society.Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 CanadaImmigrationHousingPath to Good Quality and Affordable Housing Is More Difficult for Refugee Claimants Than for Sponsored RefugeesResearch Summary