Bury, SophieSheese, Ron2014-09-032014-09-032014-09-02http://hdl.handle.net/10315/27822We will talk about the contrast between student and instructor conceptions of the writing and library research process. This has been informed by grant-funded research in which we conducted focus groups with York faculty members and reviewed literature on academic literacy teaching practices. We will describe our recent efforts to take what we learned through this research and work with York's Teaching Commons to encourage the integration of academic literacy instruction into disciplinary courses through work with instructors on assignment design and curriculum development. We will also describe the recently developed on-line resource SPARK (Student Papers and Academic Research Kit) and discuss how it might bridge the efforts of students and faculty to develop academic literacy.enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canadaacademic literacyinformation literacycritical skillsfacultyeducational developmentlearning commonsqualitative researchwriting skillsassignment designUndergraduate Students' Writing, Research and Learning Skills: Academic Literacy Research and Practice at York University. Co-presented with Ron Sheese (York University) at TRY Conference, Toronto, ON, May 2014.Presentation