Greyson, John R.2016-11-252016-11-252016-05-302016-11-25 Drop Across is a short experimental fiction film that explores parallel realities and the role of free will from a broader perspective. Told through interweaving narratives, we meet Charlotte in three different timelines as she encounters her love interest Harlow, some for the first time and another for the last. Their dynamics are similar but expressed in variant ways: she is tough but needy; he's caring but fragile. They are inevitably drawn together and yet, can never seem to get past their own barriers to really connect. This cycle is disturbed by a fourth, ethereal version of Charlotte, who wanders the corners of each life from another dimension. She is omniscient, seeing and feeling everything her counterparts experience, but is unable to intervene. It isnt until she finds an opening through a crack in the pavement that she breaks through to make brief contact by causing one Charlotte to fall. Like a pebble dropped through the dimensions, that Charlotte is left altered, while the others know that something has occurred. She offered a new choice, to move beyond the world of her relationship with Harlow and deeper into the relationship with herself.enAuthor owns copyright, except where explicitly noted. Please contact the author directly with licensing requests.CinematographyA Drop AcrossElectronic Thesis or Dissertation2016-11-25Experimental fictionScience fictionMultiverseParallel realitiesSpiritualityChoiceFree willShort fictionCinemaMetaphysicsCosmosFeminist filmFine arts