Cameron, Evan Wm.2019-04-232019-04-231985 in outline form for a presentation on 13 February 1985 to the 'Media, Mind and Society' seminar of David R. Olson, Co-Director of the McLuhan Program in Culture and Technology of the University of Toronto, on the 'Theory of Symbols' of Nelson Goodman's Languages of Art [1968] and Ways of Worldmaking [1978].enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 CanadaAdorno, TheodorAestheticsBrouwer, LuitzenChomsky, NoamExemplifyFrankfort SchoolGardner, HowardGoodman, NelsonHabermas, JürgenHeidegger, MartinIdentityInductionInnis, HaroldKant, ImmanuelLewis, Clarence IrvingLogicNeurath, OttoPerkins, DavidPhilosophyPhilosophy, History ofQuine, Willard van OrmanRawls, JohnSeeingSpengler, OswaldSymboliseVienna CircleWittgenstein, LudwigCameron, EvanNelson Goodman's 'Theory of Symbols': an Exposition and CritiquePresentation