Dupuis, John2009-05-132009-05-132008-02-02http://hdl.handle.net/10315/2549Presented at the Ontario Library Association Superconference, February 2, 2008.Time to rev up those crystal balls! Students are changing, library systems are changing, the world is changing. This volatile environment is challenging academic librarians to evolve their practice in unexpected ways. The best way to prepare for change is to think about it in advance, to anticipate some of the changes or at least to anticipate the kinds of things that may change. This presentation is just such an exercise. Join one of your fellow front-line librarians in an exploration of some of the ways our jobs might be changing over the next decade, both at the macro level and in our daily routines.enacademic libraries futureMy Job in 10 Years: The Future of Academic LibrariesPresentation