Thomas, MarkGellatly, MaryGrundy, JohnMirchandani, KiranPerry, J. AdamVosko, Leah2015-05-212015-05-212013Gellatly, M., Grundy. J., Mirchandani, K., Perry, J. A., Thomas, M. P., & Vosko, L. F. (2011). ‘Modernising’ employment standards? Administrative efficiency and the production of the illegitimate claimant in Ontario, Canada. The Economic and Labour Relations Review, 22(2), 81-106. to employment standards cause disadvantages for vulnerable workers.Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 CanadaEmploymentBusinessPoliticsChanges to the Ontario Standards Act Leave Workers in Precarious Jobs Prone to ExploitationResearch Summary