Singer, Yvonne2014-07-312014-07-312014-04-092014-07-28 thesis will outline my material processes, ideas and concepts during my studies at York University’s MFA in Visual Arts. I briefly discuss weaving and women in mythology and history, and connect my work to that of contemporary artists situated in the practice of weaving. I then describe my art-making process and discuss artists who also use methods based on destructive techniques and intuition. Finally, I discuss concepts that are pertinent within my art practice: archaeology, psychology, the emotional body, the uncanny, haunting and sticky auras.enAuthor owns copyright, except where explicitly noted. Please contact the author directly with licensing requests.Fine artsMetaphysicsPsychologyOf BecomingElectronic Thesis or Dissertation2014-07-28Sheila HicksArtFine artVisual artWeavingCeramicsSoundInstallationSculptureMetaphysicalArchaeologyPsychologyMythologyEmotional bodyEmotionAffectIntuitionSticky auraHauntingUncannyUndoingRuinTracesTransformationMetamorphosisDecayEntropyDeconstructionHuman conditionBodilyBiomorphicWomenAnthropomorphicResidueFreudDerrida