Musto, Marcello2021-10-192021-10-192019“Introduction”, in Marcello Musto (Ed.) Marx for Today, London/New York: Routledge, 2012, pp. 1-19, men have shaken the world as Karl Marx did. His death, almost unnoticed in the mainstream press, was followed by echoes of fame in such a short period of time that few comparisons can be found in history. His name was soon on the lips of the workers in Detroit and Chicago, as on those of the first Indian socialists in Calcutta. His banner image formed the backdrop at the first Bolshevik congress in Moscow after the revolution. His thought inspired the programmes and statutes of all the political and union organizations of the workers’ movement, from continental Europe to Shanghai. His ideas changed philosophy, history and economics – irreversibly.enThis is an Accepted Manuscript of a book chapter published by Routledge/CRC Press in Marx for Today on April 25 2012, available online: Chapter