Coghlan, Michael2016-11-252016-11-252016-04-192016-11-25 thesis is a study of creativity with attention placed on the personal experience of myself as a songwriter. It contains a personal account of my experiences with relation to music, my chosen artistic medium, in association to concepts discussed. An analysis section of ten songs is included and divided by date created: earlier (2003-2007) and later (2010-2013). I demonstrate the gradual change through time evident in the works I had produced. When in songwriter mode I compose subconsciously without any preconceived compositional goals, other than make what I want and think sounds good. I am limited to my compositional tools of guitar and voice, and am largely influenced by my past encounters with music. All songs are intended to be performed solo. Analysis appears to indicate a clear increase in the complexity of my material over time, with emphasis on differing variables per song, despite not being done consciously.enAuthor owns copyright, except where explicitly noted. Please contact the author directly with licensing requests.Fine artsArtist Growth of a Singer-Songwriter: A Personal TestimonialElectronic Thesis or Dissertation2016-11-25MusicSinger-songwriterSelfIndividualCreative processCreativityGradual changePsychologyFlowArtist growthSchopenhauerArtLifeIntrinsic enjoymentTherapyDiabetesLearningSongwritingProcessPersonal testimonialFreudSerious playCompensatory phenomenaArt is key to survivalLaboured processTransformationActionSharing resultsSong analysisWord paintingTone paintingPastiche