Fawcett, LeesaLefler, Aaron2021-10-292021-10-292021-08Major Portfilio Master of Environmental Studies, Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, York Universityhttp://hdl.handle.net/10315/38613My research is focused on de-centering the human in how we educate, and I believe it can allow for new possibilities of what a livable future will look like. Through my research I intend to explore alternatives to Neoliberal models for education, our Western educational model is informed by humanism and promotes the notion that the human is superior to all other things on the planet, this idea underscores the way in which our lived reality functions. This superiority complex has led to Neoliberalism and Capitalism, I propose that Capitalism and Neoliberalism permeate Western society; and is embedded within our educational system, these values and ideals are taught to children at a young age. This system needs an overhaul and urgently, I intend to explore ways in which to de-center the human from education. The boundaries of what we consider human are in fact not what they seem to be, what makes us human is the way in which relationships manifest and entangle our corporeal forms, relationships with power, with the environment, and with each other, thus if we can change our understanding of how these relationships are embodied, we can change what constitutes the human. This can only be achieved through a deconstruction of how we perceive our place in the world. I believe by challenging how Neoliberalism and Capitalisms impacts our educational system is one way to achieve this deconstruction.enAuthor owns copyright, except where explicitly noted. Please contact the author directly with licensing requests.Arts Based EducationChildren's EducationEnvironmental Education (EE)Social justice educationNeoliberalism in the classroomTowards an Entangled Education, An Ethos of Care and Kinship: A ManifestoMajor portfolio