Knight, F. Tim2013-02-042013-02-042013-02-04 course was proposed for the Library & Information Technician Program at Mohawk College in 2011. The curriculum was developed and the course first taught in the Fall Session of 2012.Metadata is structured information about an information resource of any media type or format and can be considered an an extension of traditional library cataloguing. Examines the fundamental concepts of metadata and applies a variety of metadata schemes and standards related to the description and management of digital and electronic resources on the web.en©2012, Mohawk College of Applied Arts and Technology. All rights reserved. Course material is the property of Mohawk College unless otherwise credited. Course material may not be distributed, modified, reproduced, or otherwise used without the copyright holder's express written permission. Registered students may print or download material for individual use.Posted to York Space with permission.metadatametadata applicationscourse outlineIntroduction to Metadata and Metadata Applications: Course Outline (MO-LIBR10035)Learning Object