Kelly, Benjamin2018-02-052018-02-052013Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete 59.2 (2013), 369-740066-6459 paper suggests improved reconstructions for damaged passages in the request sections of three petitions: P. IFAO I 26; BGU III 731.ii; and P. Fay. 108. All three are best interpreted as relating to cases in which the petitioners did not know the identities or whereabouts of the wrongdoers, and therefore requested the registration of petitions so that their claims would be protected when the culprits came to light.enPetitions; Roman Egypt; Crime; Criminal Procedure'When the culprits come to light ...': P.IFAO I 26, BGU III 731.ii, and P.Fay. 108Article