James, CarlSybbliss, Dwayne2018-07-122018-07-122017Major Project Report, Master of Environmental Studies, Faculty of Environmental Studies, York Universityhttp://hdl.handle.net/10315/34777There is a negative impact that gentrification has on the spaces of Black men in Regent Park, one of Toronto's largest and oldest housing communities. Through visual documentary, narratives of Black men are explored to examine their experiences of gentrification in their community, in hopes of encouraging change in governmental policies and procedures. Gentrification results in the displacement of community members, which deteriorates the bonds created to support the social issues observed in the community including poverty, violence, and loss of culture. One of the most difficult things to witness as a result of gentrification and displacement of families is the loss of a community. This study examines the damage caused by gentrification in the Regent Park community through the lens of Critical Race Theory, which uncovers the systemic issues of Regent Park; particularly in reference to its impact on young Black men.enAuthor owns copyright, except where explicitly noted. Please contact the author directly with licensing requests.Last Ride Through RegentMajor Project Report2018-07-12GentrificationRacializationPrivatizationRacism and Photography