Hager, Sandy BrianSandronsky, Seth2022-11-102022-11-102014Rethinking US Debt -- An Interview with Sandy Brian Hager. Hager, Sandy Brian and Sandronsky, Seth. (2014). Counterpunch. 4 March. (Interview; English).http://hdl.handle.net/10315/39942public debt power distribution redistribution bondholding class inequality top one per cent United StatesU.S. debt is center stage of federal, state and local politics. For a deeper grasp of the nation’s indebtedness, and why that matters we turn to Sandy Brian Hager, a Fellow of International Political Economy in the Department of International Relations at the London School of Economics and Political Science. He received his Ph.D. in 2013 from the Department of Political Science at York University in Toronto. His research examines the political economy of public debt, corporate taxation and financial regulation.Rethinking US Debt -- An Interview with Sandy Brian HagerOther