Dawson, Patrick2023-02-172023-02-172022-08-10http://hdl.handle.net/10315/40882http://dx.doi.org/10.25071/10315/40882The project looks at over 60 years of history by documenting the space exploration missions and science communication initiatives surrounding the 40 years between the first and latest entries in the Cosmos series. There is a rich history of scientific research and media production surrounding these three seasons of Cosmos with Sagan and Tyson. This project will guide you through that history and introduce you to a cast of other interesting real-life characters along the way. This project was created using the Scalar digital writing platform.enCosmosCase studiesCarl SaganNeil deGrasse TysonAnn DruyanSeth MacFarlaneResearch creationTelevision showsEducational mediaPublic broadcastingPrivate broadcastingStar Stuff: An Exploratory Case Study of the Cosmos Television FranchiseThesis